MindByte is Purchasing Goods and Services Exclusively under these conditions
Dear contractor, thank you very much for working with us. As we strive to continue to deliver the highest quality to our clients, we would like to make you aware of the conditions that apply when you accept an assignment with MindByte. This document is applicable for editorial and design services providers and for external web developers. We offer fixed assignments with an agreed price or hourly engagements with Hubstaff as a time-recording system. Hourly contracts run exclusively via the JIRA and Asana ticket system, where the tasks are clearly defined.
What you commit to:
1. Read all emails, Skype messages, JIRA and Asana tickets to understand our briefs and adhere to any specific instructions.
2. Check that you have received all the relevant working files and immediately inform us if any are missing or corrupted. Please reconfirm what you have understood and what is asked of you.
3. Use reference materials, campaign/creative briefs, checklists, Translation Memories and glossaries provided at all times. For developers and Designers, we use the Jira and Asana Task System.
4. Ask any questions as early as possible so we can seek clarification without impacting the agreed deadline. Immediately inform us if you believe you are missing any relevant files or information.
5. Proofread your own work at least once and run a spell check before delivery. Check the layout and the code so that there are no errors. If you are working on the Transcreation of a TV commercial ensure that the copy flows and fits video timings.
6. Meet the agreed deadlines at all times.
7. Keep your Transcreation Account Manager regularly updated and alert of any potential delay, with at least 4 days’ notice.
8. If the quality of the work delivered does not meet any of the above criteria, you agree to rework it according to our feedback, promptly and within the original budget. Under no circumstances hourly contracts be charged for reopened Jira or Asana tickets a second time. You are obliged to fix the problems until they are solved to the required quality at your expense.
9. In case you fail to comply with our deadlines or meet our required quality standards, penalties and deductions come into force. If your work causes damages or loss in business, we reserve the right to ask for compensation.
10. For hourly jobs Hubstaff must be used and after each period the time sheet must be submitted for control. A failure to submit a timesheet within 30 days voids your entitlement for compensation.
What we commit to:
1. Provide a full brief and clear instructions or assign tickets in the Jira System
2. Guidance throughout the project
3. Prompt answers to your queries
4. Whenever possible, provide repeat business or commit to a retainer contract
5. Support with any invoice queries
Non-compliance rate deductions
MindByte Communications reserves the right to deduct a percentage of the agreed budget for failing to meet any of the above requirements. The penalty will be fair and will depend on the length of the project, the severity of the error, its consequences and the amount of time and work required to rectify it. They are applicable for both, fixed and time-wise open jobs.
Type of error Penalty deduction
No errors and/or less than 2 minor errors 0%
2-3 minor errors and/or 1 serious errors 15-25%
3-4 minor errors and/or 2 serious errors 25-50%
4 or more minor errors and/or 3 or more serious errors
and/or any critical error 50-100%
Payment deductions will be made at MindByte Communications’ discretion and adjusted according to the word count or size of the project/sample being reviewed, the time we have to spend to rectify design problems or any time charged a second time. They will be communicated to talent with justification prior to any deductions being applied. See below for more information on the distinction between minor, serious and critical errors
Critical errors make the copy not fit for purpose and the website – or parts of it – not fit for proper use or substantial design or code errors.
Serious errors of a lesser severity than a critical one, alter the meaning of the sentence and are not in line with the corporate layout requirement or have code errors. They correspond to errors in accuracy, compliance, content or
terminology or layout and code issues.
Errors that do not compromise the meaning and accuracy of the target text, when in comparison with the original source, layout or code.
Punctuality-based penalties – Translations and Editorial
Type of delay (with no alert) Penalty deduction
On time or new deadline agreed 0%
0-1 hour delay 15-25%
1-4 hours delay 25-50%
More than 4 hours delay 50-100%
Punctuality-based penalties – Journal publishing deadlines, Design and Coding
Type of delay (with no alert) Penalty deduction
On time or new deadline agreed 0%
0-1 day delay 15-25%
1-2 days delay 25-50%
More than 2 days delay 50-100%
It is mandatory to keep MindByte Communications updated on your ability to stick to the agreed deadline via email, Skype or phone. Any delays should be notified with at least 4 days prior notice.
We expect that you send regular feedback on your projects. If after repeated unsatisfactory feedback no improvement has been noticed, MindByte Communications reserves the right to cease working with you with all legal implications this may cause.
It is important that both parties are clear on the terms of working together so if you have any questions at all please do let me or your Transcreation Account Manager know.
Best wishes,
The MindByte Communications Team
Contact details (in full in the contact section of the site):
MindByte Communications Ltd
5 Kosta Ourani
CY-3085 Limassol, Cyprus
valid as of 1 September 2010. Last updated 4 Jan 2021